Tup Vasectomy Season: Correct sample collection

Ram Image Tup Vasectomy Season: Correct sample collection

It is the time of year where farm vets are inundated with calls from farmers to book in their Ram vasectomies. 

The surgical procedure itself is very simple and can be found in most large animal surgical textbooks.  As vets, the practical surgery is the most interesting part of the procedure however, the sampling of the vas deferens must not be overlooked as these specimens are a legal record that the correct tissue was removed.  

Each vas deferens should be placed in a separate sample pot with labeling to confirm which pot contains the left and right sample. Each pot should be labeled with the date of the procedure, the farmer’s name and address, and the animal’s full ear tag number including the flock number.

In terms of fixing the samples, there should be a 10:1 ratio of formal saline to tissue for adequate fixing. The samples should either be sent off for histological examination or archived at the practice as per your practice policy. These samples may be required several years after the procedure if there is a perceived failure of the procedure or recanalization and may need to be sent for histological examination retrospectively. 

Quality pre-filled histology pots and be found on the Vet-Way website here.

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